Google settings


Settings to configure Google Authentication to add "Login with Google" functionality to an application using Integrated Login.


If the UX Component is configured to Allow login with Google, the Google settings property is available. This setting is used to configure the credentials for using Google Authentication to log into your application.

Login with Google Settings
Login with Google Settings

Google login Properties

  • Client-id

    The Google OAuth Client Id. See Configure Login with Google to learn how to create one.

  • Secret

    The Google OAuth Secret. See Configure Login with Google to learn how to create one.

  • Policy

    The Policy defines the behavior when a user logs into your application using Google and does not have an existing account.


    If the user does not have an existing account, a new account is created.


    If the user does not have an existing account, the login fails.

  • Groups

    If the Policy is configured to "CreateAccount", Groups defines what groups (i.e. roles) assigned to the new user account.


Login using Google

When you configure a UX component as a Login Component, you can enable Login with Google to allow users to login using the Google credentials.



Web Applications Only

See Also